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Corstorphine Community Centre

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We wish to turn our car park into a community garden growing space, to bring people together to grow their own food and plants to restore the green air space polluted by St John's Road.

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About this cause

We are a community centre that enables residents, community groups and organisations operating locally in Corstorphine to achieve social, wellbeing and economic goals, and to be part of a strong, connected and caring community. As a safe, accessible and welcoming community centre, we deliver activities and facilities which enrich the lives of people living and working in our community, support them to connect and thrive, and create benefit to the community. Our values are equal opportunity and inclusion, community cohesion, accessibility, accountability, financial sustainability, environmental sustainability and best value. From babies to the elderly, we aim to reduce isolation and increase mental and physical wellbeing.

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How this cause brings people in the community together

CCC community garden project will connect the community to each other, to grow their own food for consumption, and to bring back nature to the urban environment and contribute to the zero emissions strategies by converting an old car park into a community garden. It will reduce loneliness and isolation and encourage social connections for an intergenerational community. It will be an opportunity to share skills and develop learning and provide a legacy in the heart of Corstorphine for years to come. We connect the community through common ground.