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Dumfries CAP Debt Centre & Job Club

Social Inclusion

Help support the Debt Centre and Job Club to lift people out of debt and poverty and provide practical support to find employment.

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About this cause

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a national charity that aims to release people from poverty, debt, unemployment and addiction. River of Life Church has partnered with CAP to open a local Debt Centre and Job Club in Dumfries. These CAP services offer a free, in-depth service regardless of age, gender, faith or background for people with spiraling debt and, or, long term unemployment. A trained Debt Coach and befriender visits clients in their homes. Clients are supported to develop money management skills and become debt free. The Job Club provides training and ongoing support for job seekers in a supportive environment that boosts confidence and morale to enable them to find employment. This year alone, CAP has helped 2,175 people become debt free and 721 people have found employment.

How this cause brings people in the community together

CAP services benefit the community by helping people get out of debt and unemployment which enables them to feed and clothe their families. This in turn improves their general well being, gives them confidence, strengthens relationships and helps keep families together. People finding employment will boost the economy and reduce the cycle of dependency on benefits. The people it will benefit are the poor, vulnerable and isolated within our community. The CAP service will involve volunteers from churches within Dumfries, Linking with the local authority, food banks, doctors surgeries, Job Centre Plus, colleges, recruitment agencies and local employers. The Service will also signpost to other agencies when required.