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Beartown Rickshaw CIO

Mental wellbeing

We would like to cover rickshaw maintenance costs (substantial) and overheads such as insurance and DBS checks, so we can continue to help those who are socially isolated or have limited mobility.

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About this cause

Since March 2022, Beartown Rickshaw, an e-assist tricycle rickshaw, has given a 'wind in the hair' experience to local residents of any age who are socially isolated or have limited mobility. By escaping their four walls and meeting others, their mental health and wellbeing is improved. The rickshaw also helps volunteers with their own mental health and wellbeing due to the camaraderie plus satisfaction of helping others. Passengers are collected from home and taken to/around Congleton Park, Astbury Mere, or Biddulph Valley Way. We have weekly slots for various day centres and care homes in the town, which are also available for those living in their own homes. There are a lot of laughs and chatter along the way, with many repeat customers, resulting in delighted relatives and staff.

Beartown Rickshaw CIO website

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How this cause brings people in the community together

Our project will continue to make a positive difference to many living alone, or in care settings such as residential or day centres. Our rickshaw service enables people to enjoy the fresh air in much loved surroundings that are otherwise inaccessible to them, gives a trip down memory lane for older folk, and helps them participate in everyday interactions with passersby (and their dogs) that most of us take for granted. Learning-impaired attendees of day centres have developed confidence, happiness and communication, to the delight of families and staff. Care home staff report how these trips lift the spirits of all their residents, with those returning sharing their stories. Individuals of all ages living at home but limited by challenging health issues also enjoy rides out.