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Brass Central Strathearn

Mental wellbeing

We wish to encourage young and old to get involved with music. It is proven to improve mental health and wellbeing, and encourages mathematical skills in young people.

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About this cause

Our aim is allow young and old to learn to play a brass instrument and when completed join the existing band to play music in our local area of Strathearn and beyond. We perform at both local Co-op branches, Crieff and Auchterarder, at Christmas Time, which is always arranged by Alexandra MacDonald, Co-op Community Member Pioneer for both stores.

Brass Central Strathearn website

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our project will in time help the young and old in our area, by encouraging them to meet other people with an interest in music. This will then lead to a good group of musicians performing in the area and beyond. It will encourage people with mental health and wellbeing issues to get involved.