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Wellgate Community Farm

Access to food

Wellgate Farm would like to continue to run the allotment site as a communal space where residents can come and grow their own fruit and vegetables with support from a horticultural coordinator.

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About this cause

Wellgate Community Farm is a real working urban farm, with animals, gardens and allotment site. Our main goal is to create an opportunity for people to grow, make a positive contribution and promote social cohesion. Wellgate Farm is committed to providing a safe, inclusive place for people to develop emotionally, socially, physically and spiritually through education, training, therapy and recreation in a working farm setting. We aim to: provide educational experiences that connect people with food and the land, and promote compassionate farming and environmental sustainability; engage the community and local people, including those who are marginalised, in meaningful activity; and create a community and sense of belonging where people can develop and be valued.

Wellgate Community Farm website

Wellgate Community Farm on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

The allotments project will help individuals and families suffering from mental health illnesses due to isolation, financial struggles and lack of fresh fruit and vegetables. We will bring the community together to grow food in a safe and functioning space. We will provide experiences that connect people with food and promote compassionate farming at a cheaper cost. We anticipate: improved mental wellbeing by people connecting with others by being physically active and learning new skills; improved confidence in food growing; increased social skills by engaging all in verbal interactions, listening and working in teams and improved healthy eating standards. This project will promote equality and inclusivity by making sure all can attend the site, including those faced with disabilities.