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South West Herts Samaritans

Mental wellbeing

We would like to extend awareness of the Samaritans' free helpline – 116123 – in our community so that people know they do not need to struggle alone.

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About this cause

Our vision is that fewer people die by suicide. We aim to improve mental wellbeing by being available to listen to people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including suicidal thoughts. We provide free, confidential, non-judgemental listening support on our freephone helpline, by email and webchat. We listen and provide a human connection so that nobody has to face their struggles alone. We take action to prevent people reaching crisis point, help people find ways to cope. We wish to develop our outreach programme to provide more face-to-face support and further raise awareness of our service and to let people know we are there for them – connecting with local organisations including schools, hospitals, food banks, railway stations, HMP The Mount, and local businesses.

South West Herts Samaritans website

South West Herts Samaritans on Twitter

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our project will raise the profile of Samaritans in our area. By expanding our work with local organisations and providing publicity material, for example in schools, sports clubs, foodbanks, hospitals and at railway stations, we will ensure that many more people in our community are aware of Samaritans’ helpline 116123. We want people to know that we are there to support anyone who is struggling to cope, including those with suicidal thoughts. We will build on the momentum created by the publicity surrounding the 70-year anniversary of the founding of the Samaritans organisation in 1953.