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Friends of Wainscott Primary School

People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential

The children of Wainscott Primary School will benefit from high-quality resources, essential to lifelong learning and which will give more choice into adulthood and life in the 21st century.

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About this cause

We aim to raise money for the PTA of Wainscott Primary School and enrich the children's learning environment and resources available to them. This year we have bought two friendship benches for each key stage playground and we are currently trying to raise funds to create two libraries and reading spaces for the children in each key stage.

Friends of Wainscott Primary School website

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How this cause brings people in the community together

We aim to raise money for the PTA of Wainscott Primary School and enrich the children's learning environment and resources available to them. This year we have curated a sensory room for children to use at times of feeling overwhelmed. We have also been able to support children and their creative projects in school by purchasing resources for these as well as classroom resources, including new PE equipment for after-school clubs. By supporting our cause, you can truly enhance the schooling experience for children, making each day really special.