Alston Moor Food Bank
Pending display name
Alston Moor Food Bank is here to provide food for people who find themselves unable to afford their basic needs.
About this cause
Alston Moor Food Bank exists to supply basic wholesome food and provisions to individuals, couples and families who find themselves in financial crisis in the geographical location of Alston Moor and the surrounding areas.
How this cause brings people in the community together
We will continue to reach out to people in the area who cannot afford the basic food they need. We have increased our number of clients dramatically over the last year. Ours is a small, isolated community and we are an essential lifeline for our clients. Being a small population, and far from urban centres, we cannot use fareshare or other surplus food schemes, so we buy groceries for all our clients at Alston Co-op, according to what they need. Our clients have told us that getting a food parcel from us has enabled them to use their heating, lighting and pay rent, as they would otherwise have to choose between essential services. We are also able to signpost our clients to benefits and debt advice should they wish.