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Surrey Heath Age Concern CIO

Mental wellbeing

Weekly, our guests come together to enjoy a delicious afternoon tea, raffles, fun activities, make new friends and help to combat loneliness and isolation. We also help to signpost to other services.

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About this cause

Surrey Heath Age Concern CIO is an independent charitable organisation working in Surrey Heath borough. Our mission is “To replace loneliness and isolation with happiness and friendship, for older people in Surrey Heath borough”. With the help of our fantastic volunteer team, we make this happen through our Visiting & Befriending service, matching a volunteer with an isolated older person and our Rainbow Café, an inclusive community cafe. Our social events for older people include: Tea & Memories vintage tea parties, Tea & Chatter monthly tea parties for those without transport, a monthly cinema club and 'Seated Movement' exercise classes.

Surrey Heath Age Concern CIO website

Surrey Heath Age Concern CIO on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

This project targets social isolation, mental wellbeing and loneliness. We also help to signpost to other services whilst our guests are in our company. These include our befriending service, Curry Club, Cinema Club, Fish & Chip events, Citizens Advice, etc. Our guests come together and enjoy a yummy afternoon tea at a reduced cost, which also helps with the current cost-of-living crisis.