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Swansea YMCA

Mental wellbeing

We support some of the most vulnerable young people in our society. We give them a safe place where they can engage with projects to dramatically improve their wellbeing and future outcomes.

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About this cause

YMCA Swansea has a longstanding track record of successful community engagement offering diverse, accessible services, and has a dynamic entrepreneurial approach and commitment to social justice. Our Grade II listed building, in the heart of the city centre, is home to life-saving and life-changing projects that support and engage with some of the most vulnerable young people in and around Swansea. Our main projects are an award-winning, wrap-around, holistic young carers provision; a pioneering LGBTQ+ project, which includes an LGBTQ+ youth group; school work; awareness raising; outreach events and more. We also operate life-changing open access to a youth club (Y-Hub) and outreach service.

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How this cause brings people in the community together

We offer a holistic, wrap-around and accessible provision where young people can be themselves in a truly safe environment. They are supported by experienced and qualified youth workers to realise their potential whilst accessing youth groups, activities, trips, one-to-one support and so much more. We help them work through challenges, improve their wellbeing, engage in new experiences, develop life skills and find a path with positive outcomes. This project will help us continue our work and provide activities, workshops and food which will hugely benefit the young people who engage with us and our projects. It will help support us in providing activities and healthy food for our youth clubs so we can continue to offer a source of education, of empowerment and hope in a safe place.