Friends of Knolls Wood
Pending display name
At 180 years old this historic plantation of exotic trees is showing signs of age, so we must plant new trees for the next generation to keep enjoying our unique woodland, and the magic of trees.

About this cause
Our aim is simple: we want people to appreciate and enjoy the plants, trees and animals that this special location supports, for many years to come. We have an ongoing calendar of events which is designed not only to raise awareness of the natural habitat but also to educate our children to appreciate their surroundings. Forty years ago the volunteers protected the unique Victorian Plantation from development, and now we preserve this historic patch conserving special specimens and promoting biodiversity. We love the idea of visitors walking in the footsteps of those gone before, benefitting mental and physical health and the environment.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Our project will enable the continued regeneration of a unique woodland with historical significance to the local area. We know from surveying visitors that the wood is enjoyed by children, dogwalkers, carers, people living with dementia and more. In this difficult time of life with high cost of living and the stress of news and social media, our woodland offers a short, accessible walk in nature with calming birdsong and fresh air. Everyone is welcome, and there is also opportunity for anyone who wishes to join in with the maintenance of the wood.