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The Never Alone Project

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We get together once a month to help broken-hearted teens who have lost a parent, a sibling or a friend. We aim to help them feel less alone and more understood.

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About this cause

The Never Alone Project is a small charity based in Northamptonshire. We support bereaved children, their families and teachers. We work across Northamptonshire to offer specialist and tailored support. The service we offer helps reduce isolation, improve mental wellbeing and create a safe space to deal with grief. Our regular service provision is as follows: parent/carer peer support groups; children groups; complex grief online support group individual support, including home visits, phone and email support; referral and information service. These are all free to our families. We also offer a Helping Children with Loss programme for professionals, teaching staff and parents/carers who support bereaved children.

The Never Alone Project website

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How this cause brings people in the community together

Our project will help bereaved teenagers to process their grief. We will provide a safe and nurturing space for them to talk about issues that affect them. We will also provide 'ice-breaker' activities and refreshments. 1 in 29 children under 18 experience the loss of a parent or sibling. During a time that is already known for being very hard to navigate, our teens need guidance and support to navigate this difficult time. The Never Alone Project aims to offer groups to help reduce isolation and improve the mental wellbeing of teens 13-18. Although we run children groups, we know that our teens need their own space, to enable them to talk openly about difficult topics, such as self harm. Our grief recovery specialists will offer appropriate support.