Fibro Active
People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing
We'd like to make our new Fibro Flexi class accessible to all in the community. The aim is to reduce pain and increase Flexibility, improving breathing, posture and balance.
About this cause
Fibro Active is a support group for people with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, long covid, and their carers. We are a positive and inclusive group that focuses on healthy lifestyle, light exercise, support and sharing information as well as educating members about their condition and helping them move forward with their acceptance and management of their illness. We have the main support group as well as a number of projects including: our small steps to health and falls prevention programmes, both of which are open to the community and reduce the risk of trips and falls. These classes are inclusive to all abilities and classes range from Otago, Tai Chi and qigong. Fibro Therapy course is a 12-week intensive course that includes a weekly workshop and tai chi class.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Our programme is open to the most vulnerable people in the community that are unable to exercise the conventional way. People with chronic illness, disabilities and struggling with mental health who are affected by the cost-of-living crisis, at risk of trips and falls or find it difficult to be in a group environment and fear making their conditions worse. The programme focuses on increasing diaphragmatic breathing and improving posture – both seated and standing - and improving balance. This 12-week course will help participants manage pain, increase confidence with coping skills that will slowly improve their health and wellbeing, enabling them to have the confidence to leave the home and engage in community activities and reducing the costs to NHS and improving quality of life.