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People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential

Prioritising the wellbeing of young people and families in Thornbury, we work towards raising aspirations, promoting resilience and empowering.

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About this cause

Phase is a not for profit CIC that supports young people and their families in our local community, empowering and raising aspirations. We provide individual 1:1 mentoring, counselling and support to those in our community.We believe that everyone should be able to access free and local wellbeing and mental health support. Removing barriers and stigma prioritises our community's wellbeing.

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How this cause brings people in the community together

Phase seeks to provide support for all young people in our community, offering 1:1 mentoring support, counselling and small group work. We work with young people of secondary school age and their families to help navigate through the difficulties that adolescence brings. We work to promote and enhance wellbeing and mental health.