Platform for Life
People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing
Demand for our counselling grows each year. We aim to increase capacity so every low-income person reaching out to us for help with mental health issues can be seen quickly, locally and for free.
About this cause
We offer low income families (adults, children and young people) free, local, easy to access and timely counselling/art and play therapy provision. Our focus is on strengthening family relationships and stopping the cycle of unaddressed poor mental health being passed down from one generation to the next.
How this cause brings people in the community together
We offer hope. Unaddressed mental health issues have a devastating impact on people's lives. Our service has helped clients build more positive family/peer relationships; stay in school and re-access education; prevent a return to addictions; apply for work and feel more able to deal with other challenges in their life. These in turn positively impact the wider community they are part of.