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Shropshire Youth Support Trust

Young people

We would like to give young people access to fun activities they usually wouldn't have access to whilst boosting their confidence. They will also have access to our employment and wellbeing support.

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About this cause

We're a group who want to help young people find good quality and fulfilling jobs, through self-employment or general employability support. We help young people who may face barriers to employment, whether that's due to health conditions, difficult social circumstances or lack of guidance. Our goal is to help young people recognise their skills, talents and overall aspirations.

Shropshire Youth Support Trust website

Shropshire Youth Support Trust on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

This project will encourage young people who are not in education, employment, or training to do something they love. This could be an already established hobby that they can't afford to do anymore or an activity they've always wanted to try. From there we encourage young people to turn that passion into a form of employment, whether that's a job based on that passion or starting a business.