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63rd Derby Darley Abbey Scout Group

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We wish to run a monthly Saturday social as a welcoming place where villagers isolated during Covid-19 can meet friends, old and new, to develop a wider friendship group, improving mental wellbeing.

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About this cause

Our goal is to contribute to the education of young people based on the Scout Promise and Law to enable them to play a constructive role in society. We give our young people (6–15yrs) the opportunity to make new friends, learn new skills and activities they may not get at home or school. Scouting brings out the best in people; building confidence, resourcefulness, team spirit and sense of community.

63rd Derby Darley Abbey Scout Group website

63rd Derby Darley Abbey Scout Group on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our project will provide a welcoming space for people to meet to combat loneliness after isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic. Talks or classes to improve wellbeing will be run. Friendships, old and new, will be kindled over refreshments with games, e.g. cards and board games, acting as ice-breakers. The more people in the village know each other, the better connected the community will be.