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Plant Pots and Wellies

Mental wellbeing

We would like to buy adapted tools, paint, soil and hydroponics to teach a wide range of skills through our activities on site. We do everything from building and painting, to growing and harvesting.

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About this cause

We're a group who want to create a safe place for people with additional needs to learn about horticulture whilst being part of a community. We want to make sure that diagnosis/age/catchment area aren't a factor as to whether someone meets the criteria to attend. It was essential that we are inclusive for everyone. We also want to provide extra support for families/carers.

Plant Pots and Wellies website

Plant Pots and Wellies on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our project creates a network of support and builds a stronger and safer community helping to reduce isolation and loneliness. By learning new skills and increasing confidence, people are more able to approach other areas in their life they have challenges with. Having a project like ours engages volunteers from the local community to create much-needed activities for people with additional needs.