BWC (Brighton Women's Centre)
People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing
We would like to offer sessions of informed, low-cost therapy (starting at £5) for self-identifying women who are struggling with suicidal thoughts as a result of the impact of trauma on their lives.
About this cause
BWC supports and empowers women with multiple disadvantages across Sussex and Kent through a range of holistic, trauma-informed services. This includes low-cost therapy, casework and childcare support. We support women caught up in the criminal justice system, women who are homeless, survivors of abuse or discrimination, or those struggling to manage physical or mental health conditions, or poverty.
BWC (Brighton Women's Centre) website
How this cause brings people in the community together
More than 90% of the women referred to therapy are at high risk of suicide, self-harming behaviours and severe isolation. We need to provide subsidised psychological support so that women at most risk, often on low incomes, can access it. Holistic psychological, emotional and physical healing will help women, from all backgrounds, facing all kinds of issues, to live happier lives.