Inspire Youth Yorkshire
People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential
We would like to be able to offer an ongoing weekly provision in the Harrogate area, delivered from our mobile youth base. It will provide consistency and ongoing activities.
About this cause
We are a charity that strives to provide children and young people access to a wide range of positive and inclusive activities across North Yorkshire. We aim to promote, encourage and facilitate the development of their physical, mental and social wellbeing through activities, opportunities and informal education in safe environments that support their journey into adulthood.
Inspire Youth Yorkshire website
How this cause brings people in the community together
We provide a dedicated safe space for young people within their community, on a regular basis. They can drop in, engage in positive activities and opportunities, or informal education, whilst having access to trusted adults who can support and signpost where necessary. Our project will also support safeguarding children and young people, and keeping them safe.