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Community Fridge Swansea

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We would like to buy essential food items and distribute them to local schools as recipe packs during school holidays, helping alleviate food poverty.

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About this cause

Our goal is to use surplus food, that would otherwise go to waste, to alleviate food insecurity and contribute to community wellbeing and resilience. In doing so, we also aim to raise awareness of the environmental impact of food waste, both in our community and globally, to encourage people to make more sustainable choices and influence future generations.

Community Fridge Swansea website

Community Fridge Swansea on Twitter

How this cause brings people in the community together

Food has an important role in developing young minds, yet many pupils in the UK are from households that are unable to afford or maintain a healthy diet. This has an ongoing effect on physical and mental wellbeing for future generations. Our project will address this by providing food during school holidays, to alleviate food poverty, and teach families how to make affordable, nutritious meals.