Mindstars (NE)
People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing
With funding we will be able to provide children with free sessions, focused on building confidence and resilience, learning coping mechanisms and positive wellbeing techniques.
About this cause
Mindstars' qualified and motivated team of professionals provide vital proactive mental health education, support, and advice, aimed at lowering or removing the barriers that mental health issues create. Our main beneficiaries are the children and families living within the boundaries of North Tyneside, particularly in North Shields.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Mindstars support the mental health and wellbeing of children, together with their parents, guardians, and schools, delivering a full circle approach. Our aim is to remove barriers that poverty and poor mental health bring and enable the next generation to live more fulfilling lives. No child should have to wait until crisis point before accessing mental health education and support.