Saving Wildcats
Pending display name
We'd like to continue our project to save a species. We are releasing Scottish Wildcats into the Cairngorms starting in 2023.We'd like to provide food, vet care and training for these Highland tigers.
About this cause
The Saving Wildcats project aims to prevent the extinction of wildcats in Scotland by breeding and releasing them into the wild. In a quiet location at the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland’s Highland Wildlife Park, a conservation breeding for release centre has been built to prepare wildcats for the UK’s first release into the Cairngorms National Park.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Built on partnerships, we work with local communities to reduce risks of hybridisation and disease from domestic cats to wildcats; breed healthy wildcats for release to restore the population; gather data and share findings. We work with communities to know how people can benefit from the presence of wildcats and boost local economies through wildlife tourism and support long-term employment.