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Seahaven Storehouse

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We would like funding for food to support, for a year, the anticipated uplift in households as the cost of living crisis deepens. We also need to purchase a commercial chest freezer.

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About this cause

We aim to provide much-needed food and nutrition to any household that is living in food poverty in the Seahaven area. We currently support over 100 households that include 193 adults and 131 children. 20% of our needs are donated and 80% we need to purchase from Aldi, as well as a local wholesaler for fresh fruit and vegetables.

Seahaven Storehouse website

Seahaven Storehouse on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

This project will make the difference by not allowing anyone to go hungry in the Seahaven area. We expect the numbers needing our help will rise quickly from October when fuel costs increase, and this project will allow us to support these growing numbers. We will also provide a welcoming and friendly place, particularly for those suffering from loneliness and isolation.