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Dartmoor Zoological Society

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

Dartmoor Zoo aims to provide disadvantaged people with the opportunity to improve their health and mental wellbeing by engaging in meaningful and fun activities in a wildlife setting.

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About this cause

Dartmoor Zoo is a natural wildlife park whose focus is conservation, education, and wellbeing. We aim to provide disadvantaged people with the opportunity to engage with nature and enjoy meaningful and fun activities to support them in improving their overall health and wellbeing.

Dartmoor Zoological Society website

Dartmoor Zoological Society on Twitter

How this cause brings people in the community together

Engaging with nature and being outdoors has proven benefits in improving overall health and mental wellbeing. Sadly, many people are unable to access nature and wildlife, so our project will enable those at a disadvantage to visit Dartmoor Zoo, engage with fun activities outdoors, and meet with other people to grow their social networks.