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Prudhoe Plodders Running Group

Mental wellbeing

Prudhoe Plodders is an inclusive running club, for all members of the community, all ages and all abilities. We would use the money to continue coach development, member training and run events.

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About this cause

We're a group who want to ensure running, athletics and social interaction are available to all – regardless of ability or anxieties. Starting as a Couch to 5K (C25K) programme six years ago, Prudhoe Plodders running club has now evolved into an inclusive, friendly but driven sports family. Through development and dedication, the club now has over 220 athlete members, including juniors.

Prudhoe Plodders Running Group website

Prudhoe Plodders Running Group on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

The community needs access to low-cost and welcoming groups for exercise and friendship. Prudhoe Plodders provides this for many people, the majority of whom never thought running would be for them. We have members who have never run before – people join to combat loneliness, improve mental health, get fit or compete to a higher level. We are here to improve mental and physical health for all.