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Ford Park Community Group

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We would like to fund volunteer expenses (travel and refreshments), volunteer PPE, tools and equipment, and repairing, maintaining and developing the woodland trails.

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About this cause

Ford Park is a Victorian walled parkland in the heart of Ulverston. The park is loved by the community who benefit from the green space, play area and beautiful walks, as well as a programme of inclusive educational, cultural and social events. We support vulnerable and isolated people through activities, training and volunteering opportunities, and our kitchen garden and environmental projects.

Ford Park Community Group website

Ford Park Community Group on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

The last few months have shown the importance Ford Park plays in the health and wellbeing of our community. Volunteers work hard to maintain the woodland trails, gardens designed specifically to attract pollinators and native species. They plant and develop new areas, cutting grass so children can play and our community can enjoy a green and calming space in the heart of a bustling market town.