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Kamelia Kids

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We aim to buy resources and equipment and set up a community garden for children attending Kamelia Kids, where they will learn and develop new skills in a more natural environment.

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About this cause

We aim to build a community garden for children to develop new skills and learn about science and nature, from growing their own food. They will experience a variety of activities such as planting, mulching, weeding and cooking. They will have the freedom to move around in a dedicated space to progress physically and mentally, develop their personalities, grow in confidence and have a sense of self.

Kamelia Kids website

Kamelia Kids on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

Having our own community garden will help deliver many learning experiences, be it physically, mentally or emotionally. By having a dedicated space with the freedom to move outside, children will be able to learn new skills and how growing, harvesting and eating their own food is good for both mental and physical health. Learning activities will be in a safe environment and fun to do.