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Barnsley Museums and Heritage Trust

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We would like to turn a newly cleared woodland glade area into a fun place for families to enjoy, creating interactions through forest school workshops, volunteer sessions and local artist-made items.

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About this cause

We raise funds to champion the borough's heritage and support a wide range of community projects. We prioritise those in the community who may become marginalised or isolated. Our projects have helped young carers, young people with disabilities and/or mental challenges, volunteer groups, families with young children in deprived areas, older people at risk of isolation and refugees and asylum seekers.

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How this cause brings people in the community together

Outdoor and creative play is so beneficial to health and wellbeing. Our new glade area will be made in collaboration with local children through forest school workshops. The installations, created by local artists and volunteers, will give visitors the opportunity to learn about the wildlife found at Worsbrough Country Park, a free site within easy reach of the town centre.