Bristol Avon Rivers Trust - Winterbourne
People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing
'Rivers for Wellbeing' is an inspiring project, improving mental health and the environment by bringing local communities closer to nature.
About this cause
We're an organisation that aims to improve mental health and the environment by bringing local communities closer to nature. BART works in partnership with organisations and individuals to reconnect communities with their local rivers, helping to protect and restore the water environment, improve wellbeing and to pull communities together through river-based activities.
Bristol Avon Rivers Trust - Winterbourne website
How this cause brings people in the community together
'Rivers for Wellbeing' aims to encourage participation in outdoor, river-related activities to promote the benefits to mental and physical wellbeing that come with being immersed in nature. The project will have a lasting legacy, with newly trained volunteers and the aim of long-term improvements to mental and physical wellbeing, as well as life-long connections to the natural environment.