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Friends of Maghull & District CIC

Mental wellbeing

We would like to create an accessible path, water feature, reflective space and woodland planting in a cherished space, to establish a place of wellness for the whole community.

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About this cause

The Friends of Maghull & District aim to identify and enable social and environmental projects that will benefit the residents of Maghull and the surrounding areas. The projects will deliver support to all members of the community, particularly those who are disadvantaged either socially or economically, and help to improve the environment that they live in. We also act as a community resource and support those with similar aims.

Friends of Maghull & District CIC website

How this cause brings people in the community together

The NHS Dell Project will make a difference by protecting, making accessible and engaging the whole community in the heart of Maghull. There is overwhelming evidence of the health benefits of combined blue and green spaces that we hope to enhance, whilst also encouraging wildlife habitat, eco-education and conservation.