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People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential

Lollipop would like to provide accessible and inclusive activities for children and young people aged up to 25 in York and North Yorkshire who have any degree of deafness.

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About this cause

Lollipop offers opportunities for children and young people (and their families) with any degree of deafness, from mild to profound, to meet and build friendships with others with whom they share their experiences of deafness. We aim to reduce social isolation and inequalities among deaf communities.

Lollipop website

Lollipop on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

Lollipop offers opportunities for young people (and their families) with any degree of deafness to meet and build friendships with others. This helps build a peer support group and reduces social isolation. Through inclusive and accessible activities, we aim to encourage members to try something new, express themselves freely, and promote positive deaf role models to help raise aspirations.