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Community Meals at Boston Centenary Church

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We would like to continue providing healthy cooked meals to anyone in our local community, especially those from the rough-sleeping and homeless community. We also aim to reduce food waste.

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About this cause

We provide healthy, cooked meals at no cost, to anyone in our local community in a welcoming, supportive environment. We partner with charities who operate in the food sector. We work together to avoid food waste, and our meals regularly contain food ingredients that otherwise would have gone to waste.

Community Meals at Boston Centenary Church website

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How this cause brings people in the community together

We are supporting a variety of people including those who do not have access to cooking facilities or cooked meals. Others in the community benefit from the opportunity to meet people, and enjoy fellowship and food in a safe, supportive environment. Our mealtimes also give opportunities for other agencies to engage with our attendees and offer health checks, vaccinations and other contacts.