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Acting on Impulse Ltd

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We aim to improve the self-esteem and confidence of people who have experienced homelessness, or are marginalised, by providing free drama workshops and making a short film.

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About this cause

Acting on Impulse aim to create a sense of purpose among people who are marginalised or have experienced homelessness. We aim to improve their mental health, confidence, and self-esteem by providing free acting workshops and making short films. The actors develop their own material, sharing stories and creative ideas. The resulting film gives a tangible achievement and is shared with a wider audience.

Acting on Impulse Ltd website

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How this cause brings people in the community together

Acting on Impulse workshops provide a fun meaningful activity for people who have experience of homelessness, mental health problems or addictions. The workshops provide an outlet to express creative ideas and develop transferrable skills while improving confidence and self-esteem. Making a short film gives people real a sense of achievement and something to be proud of.