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Carers Support Centre

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We'd like to teach young carers, especially boys, how to eat healthily and cook nutritious food with their families. Eating well and getting a break from caring promotes positive mental wellbeing.

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About this cause

We want to teach young carers how to cook, making healthy meals to share with their families. Cookery sessions are fun, give young carers a break, and build skills they can use throughout their lives. We will provide a programme of cookery sessions to 120 young carers throughout the year.

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How this cause brings people in the community together

Taking time away from their caring role gives young carers the opportunity to have some fun and be a child for a change. Outcomes will be that young carers: learn new cookery skills and food hygiene; will have a break from their caring role; will make friends and feel less isolated; and will report increased confidence.