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We hope to build on our current foodbank provision by providing adequate shelving and storage for our food. This would enable us to have a bigger capacity and thus provide food to more people locally.

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About this cause

Mesopotamia is a UK-registered charity that works to provide relief from poverty and hardship. We aim to support the vulnerable and allow them to rebuild their lives with dignity. Our foodbank provides over 6,300 meals weekly to local people. We also offer access to clothing and essential household items. Our goal is to assist those in need, feed those who are hungry and clothe those who are cold.

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How this cause brings people in the community together

Currently we provide over 6,300 meals each week. If we expanded our storage and had adequate shelving, this could increase to over 10,000! We could also offer new volunteering opportunities to local people by increasing our capacity to distribute extra food. Our foodbank is embedded within our community and its expansion would allow more people to come together to support each other.