Emily's Star
People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential
We would like to raise funds for a mixture of group events and single one-to-one sessions for children with complex needs. The group events we aim to hold include quarterly parties.
About this cause
We're a group who aims to improve the lives of children with complex needs, and their families. We support families from 0-25 years old, and also now offer bereavement support if their child passes away while under our care. Our aim is to support families while making memories. We support on a one-to-one basis but also hold group events to build a community.
How this cause brings people in the community together
The difference this project makes is huge. Families with children with complex needs often find themselves alone and unheard. We aim to stop them feeling alone and give them a voice. Alongside the memories we hope to make, we are building up a community of families who are all living similar lives.