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St. Andrew's Church, Tarvin

Pending display name

We wish to offer free visits up the Tower to view our lovely village, followed by refreshments. We'd like to buy and install barriers for the top of the tower to ensure the safety of our visitors.

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About this cause

We wish to offer visits to the Tower, followed by refreshments, but we need to ensure safety for all by providing barriers at the top. We aim to help the lonely and isolated with new a group activity that will boost their mental wellbeing, while getting people outdoors, including school children and families, will benefit their local knowledge. For people on a tight budget, we also offer free activities, plus food and drink. We can also offer disabled access.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our project offers a safe environment where all are welcomed and valued. It is an opportunity for isolated/lonely people to meet over coffee for a chat, dominoes or crafts; we offer lifts if required. It encourages people to get outdoors and enhances their well-being. Access to the tower will add a new level of interest to children and families: a free activity with food/drink.