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Litter Free Norbury

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We would like to continue to clean parts of Norbury, so that plastic pollution is removed from the streets and community self-esteem and mental health improves.

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About this cause

We're a group who want to change the face of Norbury (South London) by removing litter pollution and help people's wellbeing. By making the streets clean, we make sure that people living in the area have a better self-esteem, and that we have a good impact on their wellbeing. We also remove pollution of all kind, particularly plastic pollution, from the streets and our lungs.

Litter Free Norbury website

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How this cause brings people in the community together

Our project removes pollution, in particular plastic pollution, from the streets of Norbury. A cleaner street is a great boost for self-esteem and the overall wellbeing for any people, young or old, from any walk of life . We change the environment for the better, whilst reducing plastic pollution and helping the planet.