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Craig's Cabin Community Volunteers

Mental wellbeing

We would like to purchase branded clothing so all group members feel like a part of the group, and would also buy tools so all volunteers can complete tasks on community based projects.

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About this cause

We aim to promote positive mental health with outdoor activities. We also help restore community pride and bring communities back together with our activities. We welcome people from all backgrounds in the hope of improving people's health and social issues, and making communities matter again with a renewed sense of community and ongoing emotional support.

Craig's Cabin Community Volunteers website

Craig's Cabin Community Volunteers on Facebook

Craig's Cabin Community Volunteers on Twitter

How this cause brings people in the community together

By helping communities come together to achieve their goals we hope to bring back community spirit and make communities matter, as well as provide an independent person to listen and support, who is not part of an official organisation and therefore prone to judgement. Our group provides support with no expectations and no pressure, which is often what someone who is struggling needs.