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Ebor Vale Riding for the Disabled

Mental wellbeing

The aim of the project is to keep our ponies healthy, fit and able to provide carriage driving and riding sessions for disabled children and adults in our area.

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About this cause

We are a group who provide the opportunity for children, adolescents and adults with disabilities to ride or to carriage drive to help improve their health and wellbeing. We are volunteer trustees, committee members and general volunteers. We have no salaries in the group. Aged 12 through to 80+ our riders, drivers, carers, parents, families and volunteers all benefit from being part of our group.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Horse riding and carriage driving in a safe environment delivers physical benefits, boosts confidence, improves communication skills and helps to build relationships. We know our activities support our clients’ education and learning, and can improve confidence in daily life. They also provide a peer support arena for carers, parents and families as well as the riders and drivers themselves.