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Hope Cafe

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We would like to support asylum seekers and refugees to integrate into UK society by helping with food and giving practical help, including English classes, clothes, phone calls and form filling.

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About this cause

We want to support asylum seekers and refugees in practical ways and also promote integration and mental health wellbeing for them. We help by providing donated food from local supermarkets and home and clothing items, plus English conversation classes, and organisational help such as phone calls to doctors and form filling.

Hope Cafe website

How this cause brings people in the community together

We have been helping asylum seekers since 2018 to integrate into local society. We provide food donated by local supermarkets and clothes and house items, as needed. There is a great need for English classes and help to call a GP, fill in a form or register for college. There is also football, to help wellbeing, plus an allotment. It is a welcoming place and many agencies attend.