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Helping Homeless Veterans UK

Mental wellbeing

We would like to continue to help house our country's homeless Veterans; there is a definite need for our organisation which has been a welcome addition to the Veterans community.

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About this cause

We are a charity that engages with local authorities and private landlords, using legislation to help house our homeless Veterans; there was a definite need for our organisation which has been a welcome addition to the Veterans community. We rely on donations from the general public as well as grants from companies and organisations.

Helping Homeless Veterans UK website

Helping Homeless Veterans UK on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our project will help so many homeless Veterans back on their feet whilst also addressing any issues they may be facing, so that they can become an integral part of society and rebuild their lives. We have a proven track record, with many testimonials from the Veterans that we have already helped – this is something we are extremely proud of.