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New Green Community Trust

People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential

We aim to provide a creative and safe play area for young children and their adult carers, where they can learn new skills, promote physical, social and mental development, and have fun.

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About this cause

We maintain and manage our local Community Centre, outdoor open space, and community café. The Centre is used by people of all ages and social background. The Centre is used by a wide range of clubs and groups delivering numerous activities. Here people can make friends, socialise, play and exercise. We believe we play an important role in helping to build a diverse and friendly community.

How this cause brings people in the community together

We are a small village community which is being developed with over 1,200 new houses that will double the population. There is little planned investment for play facilities. Our Trust manages a community café and adjacent play area. We aim to enhance this area with play equipment that will engage and entertain the young people and encourage social contact between members of the whole community.