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Step by Step (Step by Step Partnership Ltd.)

Mental wellbeing

We wish to support young people facing homelessness to realise and fulfil their potential and aspirations. We want to support the mental health of young people at a time of great difficulty.

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About this cause

Step by Step believes in supporting local young people who are going through hard times, including homelessness. Our mission is to empower young people and preventing homelessness. We take a unique step-by-step approach, providing accommodation, personal development opportunities and specialist support services (eg, counselling) to empower young people to break the cycle of homelessness for good.

Step by Step (Step by Step Partnership Ltd.) website

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How this cause brings people in the community together

Homelessness is devastating at any age, but if not addressed quickly for young people it can have life-limiting implications such as alcohol or drug use, anti-social and/or criminal behaviour. Step by Step addresses these behaviours, getting young people out of troublesome situations. With our support, young people are contributing members of society, adding vibrancy to their local community.