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Leeds Space Network (LCCT)

People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential

We would like to enable local young people to 'find their fire' — to follow their dreams; for instance to pay for music tuition for those who couldn't otherwise afford it.

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About this cause

We're a group who aims to provide consistent support and opportunities for teenagers living in some of the most deprived areas of our city; this empowers them to make the best choices towards a better future. In Beeston and Halton Moor we work with around 90 young people aged between 11-18, where we provide weekly groups and residential experiences.

How this cause brings people in the community together

If young people are able to 'find their fire' they are less likely to engage in anti-social behaviour and will be more able to contribute positively to the community. Some of them are already talking about setting up small businesses with their new skills.