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The Sunlight Development Trust (Sunlight Centre)

Mental wellbeing

We wish to redevelop the High Hopes Community Garden by replacing the steps to the garden and purchasing a large log cabin to run more activity and support groups including community wellbeing events.

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About this cause

Sunlight Development Trust is a charity that tackles inequality and improves life chances for everyone including the most deprived members of the community. This project will bring community members together to address social isolation, improve mental health and wellbeing, support them to develop new skills relating to outdoor activities, and form new friendships.

The Sunlight Development Trust (Sunlight Centre) website

The Sunlight Development Trust (Sunlight Centre) on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

Through regular contact with our community, we know there is a desire for more outdoor activities. Our project will enable us to run more groups, activities and events from the garden, bringing people together regardless of age, gender or ability through shared interests and helping them to develop new skills, improve mental and physical wellbeing and the opportunity to build new friendships.