Cottingham High Community Allotment Scheme
People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing
We will provide a community space for allotments for residents and students.

About this cause
Cottingham High School aims to make the school the hub of the village, bringing the community together, reducing loneliness and bridging the intergenerational gap through the medium of gardening. We would like to educate young and old alike about sustainability and forge new friendships and respect for each generation. We aim to demolish the walls of isolation and social awkwardness that Covid has built.
How this cause brings people in the community together
The project will bring all generations from Cottingham village together with the young people at the high schools to bridge the intergenerational gap and forge new friendships and develop a sense of respect for each generation that is currently lacking. It will encourage people to leave their houses again and build the confidence to start socialising and learn about sustainable farming.