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Air Quality Brentford

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

Our community planting projects need watering and plants need replacing occasionally too. It helps with mental health and general wellbeing to be involved in making our area a nicer place to live.

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About this cause

Air Quality Brentford is a group of residents who volunteers to help make some positive changes to our neighbourhood. Community planting projects have helped to make Brentford greener and make spaces look more loved and looked after. We have carried out 10 projects around Brentford and are looking for funding to keep these maintained in terms of buying new plants; this is an ongoing process.

How this cause brings people in the community together

Those who are involved with the planting projects already say how much passersby appreciate the planting projects. It's enjoyable to be involved in looking after the plants. Getting together with other like-minded people is sociable and helps improve wellbeing.