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Edinburgh Young Carers Project

Young People

We need outdoor clothing so young carers can play outside, and create a book club for young carers caring for parents with addiction issues.

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About this cause

EYCP provides support to children/young people who care for someone at home with a health problem or disability. We support 300+ young carers annually between the ages of 5 - 20. We aim to improve the quality of their lives through helping them maintain a balance between their responsibilities of being a carer and their own needs for their own personal development through childhood and adolescence. We provide: Weekly sessions for different age groups providing free time to mix with peers, discuss issues, play games and be children, 1 to 1 support for young carers experiencing difficulties, support group for young carers whose parent(s) are drug and alcohol dependent, residential breaks, holiday activity programme, schools awareness project and homework clubs.

How this cause brings people in the community together

We are seeking clothing and equipment that we can use as part of our support activities for young carers. Our 5-9 year old young carers we would like to purchase a range of outdoor clothing so that we could spend more time playing outdoors with the children which would have a positive impact on their physical and mental well being. Due to their caring responsibilities the children rarely go outdoors. We require Jackets, wellies, socks, hats scarfs, gloves, water proof trousers = £800 A monthly Book Group for young carers supporting parents with addiction issues – to make books more accessible to young carers and help young carers struggling with literacy. Costs to run this: Books £400, room hire - £130, Refreshments, - £50, Craft Materials - £100, Young carer travel costs - £700